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United States Courts Opinions (USCOURTS) collection is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) to provide public access to opinions.

For opinions posted from 2005 to the present, click HERE to access the United States Courts Opinion website. For rulings prior to 2005, please use the below navigation.

Warren W. Eginton

Sua sponte dismissal of prisoner's civil rights claims

Motion to sever and suppress

Motion to dismiss, Fed. R. 12(b)(6) & 12(b)(7)

Ruling on defendant's motion for summary judgment, Trade Secrets Act, CUTPA, Lanham Act, breach of contract, product disparagement, and tortious interference with business expectancy

Ruling on motion to strike claims

Motion for appointment of counsel, claim of ineffective assistance of counsel

Stefan R. Underhill

Defendant's motion to exclude study and opinion testimony; product liability action

Janet Bond Arterton
