What Is New For Attorneys In NextGen:
Central Sign-On allows attorneys to maintain one account across all NextGen courts (appellate, bankruptcy, and district). What this means is that attorneys will be able to use one login and password to access all NextGen courts where they have permission to file, as well as to access PACER for all courts.
Notice Re: Next Generation of CM/ECF
What An Attorney Must Do In Order To E-file:
1. Each attorney MUST have his/her own individual PACER account. If an attorney does not have an individual PACER account, the attorney must create one before the Court upgrades to NextGen. To register for an individual PACER account, attorneys should go to www.pacer.gov and click on “register.” Existing “Legacy” PACER accounts (accounts issued prior to August 11, 2014) must be upgraded. Go to www.pacer.gov, Manage My Account, and login with the attorney’s current PACER credentials.
Register For A New Individual PACER Account
Upgrade Current Individual PACER Account
2. Each attorney must know his/her current CM/ECF login/password for filing documents. If you do not know your login or password, please contact the Clerk's Office.
3. CJA Attorney PACER accounts. Please note that you will only need one PACER account for filing and viewing in NextGen. You can use the Change PACER Exemption Status instructions to toggle in between exempt and not exempt status.
4. Pacer Administrative Accounts ("PAA") - Firms may centralize Pacer billing through a PACER Administrative Account to help manage attorney accounts and have individual accounts centrally billed for PACER access fees. To register for a PACER Administrative Account, please visit https://www.pacer.gov/reg_firm.html.
5. Attorneys need to link their upgraded individual PACER account to their CM/ECF account.
Link Your PACER account with CM/ECF
What A Self-Represented Party Already Approved For E-filing Must Do In Order To E-File:
1. Register for a new upgraded Pacer account, or upgrade an existing account.
Self Represented Party Instructions To Apply For A New Upgraded PACER Account
Upgrade Current Individual PACER Account
2. Each e-filer must know his/her current CM/ECF login/password for filing documents. If you do not know your login or password, please contact the court at qualitycontrol@ctd.uscourts.
3. E-filers need to link their upgraded individual PACER account to their CM/ECF account.
Link Your Pacer Account With CM/ECF
Instructions For Self-Represented Parties To Apply For E-filing Privileges:
Instructions For Self-Represented Parties To Apply For E-filing Privileges